Taconomics Artist Collaboration #2: Deth Ink Spot

2 min readFeb 23, 2021

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Taconomics is proud to announce our new collaboration with a talented latina, Angie Garcia. The artist behind Deth Ink Spot has created 4 unique and exclusive tacos for you to devour… or be devoured.

2 of these pieces have been added to Tacoshi’s Farm, where you can earn T-Points, for staking TACO, and exchange the T-Points for one piece of DISTACOS.

The 2 other pieces, which are the rare and legendary tacos, have been added to Tacoshi’s Rabbit Hole, where you can earn S-Points for staking SALSA, and exchange the S-Points for this pieces.

The legendary Sriracharog is a 1/1 piece, which has a flat price of 1ETH and 6969 S-Points. The funds raised will be distributed between the artist and Taconomics’ dev fund.

🌮👀 View Deth Ink Spot x Taconomics collection

Taconomics keeps evolving

We are on a mission to make Taconomics the go-to platform for connecting NFTs collectors to Taco artists, many of whom are latino artists.

If you are thinking about tacos on a day to day basis, Taconomics is the place where you can satisfy those cravings, we keep working with diverse artists that keep pouring their heart into these tacos and dipping them into some seriously great salsa to make the best, and most amazing, TacoArt.

We are bootstrapping this project, starting from scratch, community driven and fueled by a ton of tacos, our platform is still in the works and we can’t wait until it’s ready, but that doesn’t stops us from bringing you a ton of original art pieces by talented human beings.

Llamando a los artistas latinos

Si tu eres un artista de origen latino, te gustan los tacos, y quieres colaborar en la cocina con nosotros, por favor mándanos un email a taconomics101@gmail.com or búscanos en nuestro telegram channel.




Delicious deflationary tokens with a hard shell. Farm your Taco NFTs with TACO and SALSA